Spencer Law Group

Ensure Classrooms Are Safe

As many students and teachers head back to school all over Kentucky it is important that everyone be aware of how classroom safety is vital.

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Spencer Law Group

School Bus Safety

Your child should arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Visit the bus stop and show your child where to wait for the bus: at least three giant steps (six feet) away from the curb.

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Spencer Law Group

Top Summer Workplace Injuries

Facing a serious injury is always difficult, even if you will be able to count on financial assistance through workers’ compensation benefits. When it comes to the summer months, there are many dangers that increase the risk of on-the-job injuries.

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Spencer Law Group

Stay Safe At The Beach

Few things scream “summer” more than soaking up some rays with the scent of salt water in the air and sand between your toes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans take about two billion trips to the beach each year.

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Spencer Law Group

Fireworks and Injuries

The majority of injuries caused by fireworks are the result of misuse by consumers. Common mistakes include lighting the fireworks improperly, lighting the fireworks too close to other people, or lighting fireworks while holding them in one’s hand.

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Spencer Law Group

We Are Here To Help You

At the Spencer Law Group, we understand how an accident or injury can impact your entire life. That’s why it is our personal philosophy to give you immediate attention and be of service to you around the clock.

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Spencer Law Group

Common Summer Injuries

Children and adults of every age are susceptible to the threat of heat-related illnesses. In the excitement of the season, we often forget to rest, wear sunblock, and drink plenty of water.

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Spencer Law Group

Tips For Safe Summer Boating

Now that summer is here and the kids are home from school, many families will be taking to the lakes of Kentucky to go boating. If you plan to go boating this summer with your family, it is important to ensure that you take the necessary precautions to avoid a boating accident.

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